Nature Abhors the Pathetic Fallacy
...and then the stars shone angrily on the fallen Earth.
This is only a bit to do with my not very clever blog title, but today I realized I've thought the number '5' is a jerk for years. Just casually, I've assumed that the number 5 is a bit of a dick. Doing data entry all day at work, I always look at that number with mild distaste. Just mild. I can't be bothered to have strong emotions at work, I'm not paid enough anything more than mild.
I think I first thought this when I was in the 3rd grade, when I started assigning personalities to letters and numbers while being bored in class (the number '8' and the letter 'S' are dating). I looked at '5', and thought it was just shaped like some beer bellied guy with a crick in his neck that is making him cranky. I was relieved when 1985 became 1986, which was a much more mellow looking year. The same with 1996. 2005...I don't remember very much of. I guess when you get old enough, the years start running together. I didn't buy a house that year, get married that year, or had a baby that just sort of happened.
I was throwing away some paperwork at work this week that I had stored away from 2005, and I was all "I was working here then? I don't remember that. I wrote '2005' on all sort of shit and have no memory of it"...sad...except that I assume 2005 sucked. there's a year for you. I bet I did all kinds of great stuff then. Like the time I saw Rob and Rob's girlfriend from "Survivor" and "The Amazing Race" at the Mall of America sitting on a Sleep Number bed...was that 2006? If it wasn't, it should have been.
...and just because: scooters, vacation, fall. I get it, even if you don't.
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