Friday, July 16, 2004

Bored after Midnight

I'm tired, but I'm not TIRED-tired. You know? I know if I go to bed now, I'll only half sleep and wake up a thousand times at every little noise my cat's make. But they're asleep now, waiting for me to try to sleep to wake up. It's a tightrope I'm walking right now. And if I don't sleep well, then I'll be grumpy tomorrow, and then my wife will be grumpy at me, and then Friday is ruined. Fridays are not for ruining. So I'm trying to do boring, unstimulating things that keep me awake, but are slowly making me really sleepy. Such as writing this, and searching the internet reading about stupid things.
Such as:
(1) CSI people being fired. Young people and their need for so much money, it's outlandish.
(2) Price of Season 3 of the "Trailer Park Boys" DVD. Like I had money or something.
(3) The Justice Society of America. Because I felt nerdish though I've never bought a comic in my life. Though I coloured on some of my brother's old Spider-Mans when I was a kid. Though I never knew why he owned comic books, since he's a wannabe jock (aka. He played volleyball and soccer). Maybe he was trying to impress the WRONG CROWD. You know of whom I speak.
(4) Checking all my magazine subscriptions, and fretting that they're all expiring. What else am I going to do to pass time on the treadmill?
(5) Seeing what the weather is like. Because it's dark outside and I don't know if that sound is rain, or someone spraying my townhouse with a hose.
(6) Seeing if I could buy groceries online. I could. But I don't want to.
(7) Looking up my name on Google AND Google Groups. No one cares about me.
(8) Seeing if I sold that SCTV book on in the middle of the night. I had.
(9) Random things on Yahoo images, like my name, and the name of my friends, and of celebrities who's names I spell wrong.
(10) The price of that book and CD I want. Like I have money.
(11) All 100 of my email accounts. It seems like it some days. One day someone will actually email my google email account, I'm sure. And then there's my business email. And my personal. And my personal 2. And the one I collect junk mail in.
(12) Other blogs, to see if people are leading more interesting lives than me. They are. Like I have money or something.
(13) Canada news, but the webpage opened to slowly, and I forgot what was loading, and then I thought of something else I wanted to see, so I opened that webpage instead before I forgot what my thought was.
(14), to see how my cats are doing. They're doing much better than I would on one of those things. Not that I think my cats are hot.
(15) Briefly looking at newsgroups, but then losing my concentration, because I'm finally getting tired.
(16) Looked at my onw weblog, then looked to see how many people had visited my profile, then changed the title and tagline of the blog to something  I'm only 20% satisfied with. I know I can do dumber and vainer than what I came up with.
(17) Trying to write this entry with some purpose, and then forgetting it because I'm finally getting tired. And then remembering that was the purpose, and being happy and sedated.


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