Monday, July 12, 2004

Roses and Dead Weight

There's not a whole lot going on with me right now...I've had two job interviews in a row go to nothing because the job ended up not actually being made into existance, so I'm finding new ways to not get a job, but other than that, everything is status quo.

We spent most of the weekend watching Season 1 & 2 of "Trailer Park Boys" on DVD, along with going to a rose garden park to see the world's worst improv group. If you have to tell everyone to applaud every 3 minutes because what you're doing is just getting blank stares of "I'm wasting my time with this?", there's something wrong with your act. And doing the guilt trip of "it's harder than you think just thinking of anything to say, we're improving. Improving! We're an improv group!" doesn't work either. I know you're says so on that black and pink banner behind you. But it was free, and the roses were pretty, and dogs barked at each other, as all good dogs do. Plus I was grumpy. And hot. And there were little mites of insects biting me. Plus I wanted ice cream.

And then I got ice cream! And things were good. With my marshmellow sundae, no one knew that I had toppings but me! Intrigue!

My mother is very anti-catnip. Not that she's pro-cat, but just thinks that anything that makes your pet high, isn't a good thing to be in existance.


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