Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Me and Max

I go a little while without posting anything and all of a sudden blogger.com has a nice new interface that confuses and scares me. But I'm easily confused and scared. Or I just ate something that's not sitting in my stomach right. Either way, I'm queasy a lot. A LOT.

Got some of my first "parent training" this last weekend. It was Jody and my first overnight babysitting of my "new" nephew, Maximilian. 2.5 months is still pretty new, right? I learned a lot...like how I love to sleep, and how if I did have a newborn infant, that I need more than basic cable. We babysat at my mother-in-law's house (cause she's got all the baby caring for goods that you need) while she was away on vacation, and she doesn't have nearly enough channels. At 4 am, informericals for painful looking exercise machines aren't entertaining enough as you're passing the time thinking "if he just stays asleep in my lap 5 more minutes, I'll be SO happy...".

Anyway, we all survived, so my sister-in-law didn't kill me in vengence for her child. Plus he's a cute little dude, so that helped the hours go by at night. He's my little buddy and we got along great, when he's not grabbing my chest hair. Okay, even when's grabbing my chest hair we get along great.

But my wife and I decided, hey, lots of people wait until their 30s to have kids these days, that sounds like a good fad to jump aboard. And then we slept for many, many hours.

It's Memorial Day in America this weekend. It's one of those American holidays that, as a Canadian, I'm unfamiliar with. But after a few years here now, I've decided to buy a barbeque (or grill, whatever they call it these'a'days) and meat for this weekend, and hold some sort of getogether, so people don't look at me funny and say "lookit there at the Canadian, he's not eating charred beef today, so he's disrespecting what we're supposed to be respecting on Memorial day! Let's toss things at him, like objects and disparaging remarks about his genetic makeup!" or some such nonsense. I surely don't want to not go against the flow.

Other than that, I can't think of a damn thing to say.


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