Monday, May 08, 2006

Short, light, and clammy

I'm now into my third week of fevers and weakness. Which is great, because not only have I gotten a bit out of shape because I'm too sick and weak to exercise, which causes me depression, but I'm generally weak, sweaty, and whiney all the time, which makes me about as fun as fiberglass underwear to be around.

The fiberglass underwear (an 80s SNL reference) stuff never gets a laugh. Oh well.

And there's just too many ostriches. The brochure said there'd only be a few ostriches.

Ahh...that brings back childhood memories of Sunday afternoon Disney Don Knotts movies on CBC, of which I never actually watched any, but they all seemed interchangable and confusing.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

(413) 208-3069
Call the above number for some super awesome Herpes remedies. Just as Sara Washington, she should know. Herpes was keeping her from getting a Phd in not having herpes. Now, she's herpes free, and a Doctor of Not Having Herpes at No Herpes U.

Think about it. Your herpes free future awaits.

11:29 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, thanks for explaining another Family Guy joke I didn't get.

7:08 a.m.  

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