Sunday, July 16, 2006

Always too hot, never too cold, you take your best shot

It seems like just yesterday that the Good Gentleman and I were young guns on a bus being harassed by a guy who was telling us the virtues of Hacksaw Jim Duggan. Now I look in the mirror and see the crows feet and think "Damn...that's one good looking man." Actually, I've been too busy being hot because of the weather rather than my own good looks to bother admiring myself lately. I got to spend a weekend babysitting my 2 year old nephew, the Max, who was crabby about being stuck inside all weekend. It's hard to rationalize with a young fellow like him about why he can't go outside.

"But it's too hot for you to be outside."

"Kick ball, Bri! Kick ball, Bri! Shoes? Shoes? Shoes?"

"No Max, it's too hot."

"Shoes! Outside! Kick ball, Bri! Run, Bri! Run!"

And then I bribe him with a pop tart. Just like all my negotiations end.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This site is one of the best I have ever seen, wish I had one like this.

2:33 p.m.  

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