Tuesday, February 01, 2005

wiggie is the sqiddaud

There was this guy helping out in the IS department at work who looked like the Traveler (I think that's what he was called) from Star Trek: Next Generation. I guess my company needed to learn how to exceed warp 10. But don't we all.

That was a geeky moment. Hey, there was nothing else on at 6pm after dinner 7 years ago...

You don't even want to know how much I know about She-Ra.

OnDemand rules it. Not that I like 99% of what's on it, because I'm not good at choosing what to watch as opposed to taking what is just there on the television, but I like to brag about having it.

That's why I'm no good at renting movies. I don't like having to say "I'm resigning myself to having to spend 1.5 hours of my life with this movie", plus I get claustrophobic even with rentals. So I have to leave the room constantly. Theater movies make me go crazy, being stuck there with the big screen, and having to get up in front of everyone to leave. Luckily my social anxiety trumps my need to leave, so I just plug my ears, close my eyes, and let my mind wander.

Yes, I'm that annoyingly messed up. Not in a cool, quirky sort of way, but in a stupid, annoying way.

Plus my wife LOVES watching movies, so it causes no end of problems. So I just pay for Netflix and let her watch as many as she wants, and then spend my time reading books, and then putting them down as soon as I feel trapped by them.

You now find yourself trapped by the incomprehensible madness.

I blame tv, for my short attention span. If Grover had spent a little more time explaining the alphabet, instead of rushing off to the next segment, my life would have ended up easier, instead of a train wreck of not paying attention at school and college, and then dropping out due to anxiety and fear, and depression.

Damn you, Grover.

Oh, I can't stay mad at you, you're adorable. But I like Cookie Monster better. That book with the witch and the cookie tree is the best, Little Golden Book, ever. I even got it for my nephew. May he turn out better than me.


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