Thursday, December 23, 2004

The Season

Ah...two days off work, two days to soak myself in Christmas music, staring at the Christmas tree, and wondering what that "ace in the hole" gift my wife bought for me is.

So curious...

Of course, she won't stop asking what that one odd shaped present I got her is. But I won't tell. Though I gave in and let her open two gifts so far. I can't resist the cute, I want presents, face.

There's something about working in a drill bit factory that makes you enjoy not being in a drill bit factory during the day time. So extra reason to be happy for the holidays. Plus my cats are enjoying having us home all day long, and I endulge them with games of tag.

And I get to have a second Christmas, as I go home to Dartmouth on the 28th, after just one day of work, and have a Christmas dinner at home, and of course, open more gifts.

Plus, we bought my sister-in-law a camcorder for Christmas, so we can film her son's first Christmas, so we're psyched about that. He's very much the cutest thing ever. He's so proud of himself for learning to crawl.

Not to mention that I didn't die during our ice storm on Monday. Holy crap did I get close to being hit/getting hit while sliding on ice that day. It took an extra hour and a half to get to work, for a 25 minute drive to work.

So, anyway, if anyone is reading this, Happy Holidays, keep safe over the next year and things along those lines.


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