Vacation matters
Here's my review of my own Arizona vacation, Part 1:
The plane ride to Arizona: 1 star. Seriously, the kid behind me whined everything he said, and he said A LOT. I felt bad for the parents, because they did everything right, and everything within the law that won't get your child taken away from you. But maybe getting that child taken away wouldn't be that bad. The kid, maybe 7, had just seemingly learned the phrased "don't you ever tell me not to*insert what they told him not to do* ever again!", and kept freaking out over his Gummi Bears. "You made me drop my Gummi BEAR!!! You owe me more Gummi Bears!!!". He also kept getting out of his seatbelt during take off and landing, even like, 5 seconds before we hit the runway. "Look honey, we're about to land!" "wow, where's Phoenix?" "This is all Phoenix" "They'd better have a Toys R' Us, Mom! Hey, I need my video *gets out of seatbelt and starts going towards bag on floor*" "No!!".
Yes, that's a lot of non-children having married travelling man bitching, there was the most well behaved little girl in the same age range in front of me, to compare to. Plus, the amount of bitching I do is dependant on how big a headache someone gave me. I haven't bitched enough yet to make up for it. But I will save it for another audience.
And hey, Part 1 is just that, so I'll have more on the actual airport experience, and stretch this out so far and long that I'll actually be on a different vacation by the time I finish this.
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