Yuletime tidings
I'm trying not to get frustrated at people emailing me, "Put 'O Little Town of Bethlehem' on your carol page", and filling up my carol request email box with stuff the meant they didn't look for 5 seconds before emailing me. And I forget why I let that address get deactivated from not wanting to check it....
I'm just tired and cranky. At least they don't swear as much at me as they used to when the Halloween page was more popular. Must be because of the difference in holidays. I ain't going to complain about somehow having an actually popular webpage, unlike this one.
Well, actually, I just DID complain. But anyway, it must be because of my old age.
I accidently made fun of someone for having an ulcer today at work. Then I laughed at them anyway, because at that point, hell, why not.
Ever replace someone at a job who used to make a really good dessert that they brought in now and then? No one ever forgives you for not having a signature recipe. Life, is unfair to those who cannot bake...or simply choose not to.
Minneapolis is still being nice and warm, which is good, because I know it'll turn huge cold just in time for me to start my Christmas shopping. It likes to punish me when I actually bother doing that. But it is really fucking dry out here. They need an ocean or two to moisten things up.
Why can't people tell the difference between a Monk costume, and a priest costume? I couldn't find a police badge to make my shitty K-Mart Monk costume a bit better/worse, with a crime solving Monk costume, like that fellow on the television I hear so much about.
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