Sunday, September 21, 2008

Things I hate about me #109

I hate that I can't pull the trigger on going out and buying a meal I really want from a restaurant. It's not that I'm too lazy (though that should be put into consideration). I'll instead go just as far, or further, and go to a restaurant that I'm less interested in and get something else instead. Hell, sometimes I'll even pay more for it. I just go to the place where they're selling something I'm really excited for, and then go "You know...I really shouldn't. It's too many calories/costs too much/too busy/I'm not as in the mood for it as I thought I was/etc". Then I'll stop somewhere on the way home at some place that's either: too many calories/costs too much/is busy/I'm not in the mood for. But it's safer, somehow. I don't know. Maybe I just don't want to be disappointed. Maybe I feel better about myself if I'm not "spoiling" myself. Maybe I don't want to eat something I really want alone, because usually it's something with vegetables in it, so it's somewhere Jody won't go, and then I feel guilty...or something. Or maybe I'm just stupid in the head.'s a toast to mediocre meals that I really didn't want but ended up wasting money on (I'm looking at you, McDonald's & Subway).

Seeing as I live near a tourist spot (the Mall Of America), I've been thinking about how many photographs and home videos I'm accidentally in the background of. I've gone to Florida a lot as well, so that doubles the amount of chances. So, to all the people who've saw my ugly mug in the background of a would-otherwise-be-cherished pictures/video...I apologize for my existing and my chronic bad timing in walking past people with cameras. If you were wondering who that guy was, Hi, I'm Brian Skinner, and I'm just a Canadian who works at a Minnesota drill bit know, like most Canadians. I hope I wasn't looking like I was hugely mouth breathing in your photo, or worse, picking my nose (hey...I was a kid in Florida a lot..the humidity makes the nose run...stop judging).

I think that's all I have to say...if I had anything to say in the first place.

So when the hell are they going to put Booberry back on the market for Halloween? Everything else Halloween is already in stores now. Sheesh.


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