Wednesday, October 01, 2008

2 Scoops of Marshmallows

Last night, my wife Jody had an information session for job placement at her HR masters program school with General Mills. That's right, the cereal company. They scour the ranks of the masters students at this school because they're a local Minnesotan company. Blah blah blah, sales pitch, sales pitch, sales pitch later, at the end of the session, they give everyone, and I shit you not, a box of Lucky Charms.

...and this box of Lucky Charms has at least 3 times as many marshmallows in it as any box I've ever had from retail, ever.

...not that I've had many boxes from retail, my parents didn't allow me anything but Special K, Shredded Wheat, or Rice Crispies.

...but yeah, they're hiding the good stuff from us, people! The stuff they give to people they're trying to impress is much better, and way fresher.

It'd be almost unfair except that I have a box.


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