Thursday, August 05, 2004

$200 camera and can't afford film

We did Summer Cleaning over the weekend and into the early week, and now I'm afraid that we're going to have the fullest garbage on our little block of townhomes area. That's always embarassing to me...I'm sure they're all looking at me like "Oh, you had that much shit in your house? So that's where the smells were coming from. I bet everything that annoys me about this complex is coming from your home, because you obviously live in shitty conditions, or at least did until you threw all that stuff out". Not that I let my paranoia run too wild or anything, that's just what I think about everyone else who has large amounts of garbage, and people obviously think the same as me.

I yelled at people all night in my dreams, and now I feel out of breath all morning. Pity poor me.

Jody and I are addicted to Celebrity Poker on Bravo. It's all we do on Thursday nights. Well, we do chores while it's on, but it's a lovely background to a night of laundry and "I don't know, what do YOU want for dinner?".


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