Monday, August 09, 2004

Life According to Rojald

Well, I finally got a job. Money shall be nice. I can finally get back to my life's calling: lowest level office job possible that no one in the company respects. feels good.

Actually, it's contingent upon me passing a drug/alcohol test, which shouldn't be hard because I neither drink nor do drugs, however, it's at 7 am in the morning, and I would hope I wasn't too hopped up at that time of day.

Oh, and I have to pass a physical. Hopefully they allow wusses into their ranks.

But finally, I can go out and have that celebratory dinner I've been planning for EIGHT FUCKING MONTHS. Jesus Christ, am I THAT unemployable. I have a HR degree, damn it! College is spos'da do good things for people like me. I'm white, even if I'm in a foreign land. I even got rid of my Nova Scotian accent for you jackasses! What do you want from your "High school/GED needed" jobs??

My belly is so full of hate right now.

*uses the bathroom*

There, musch musch better.

Yay for money!


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