Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Whining and then possibly dining

I think that excessive tailgating should be legal grounds for being convicted of attempted manslaughter.

Isn't the point of it "if you don't speed up, I'll use my car to cause you to DIE!"? Isn't that the threat?

Or is it the treat? MMmm...treats.

Where was I?

I found a nice new restaurant. It's all country-kitchen lookingish, but it has good food. And it's near a big theater that no one appears to go to. Maybe because you can't use a credit card to buy things at the concession (or "popcorn") stand, and instead, have to use your credit card at the ticket counter to buy "movie money", to then spend at the popcorn stand.

Damn you, movie money!

Damn you, fandango commercial with "my happiness is a golden poem!" part!

But thanks for reminding me to go to


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