Sunday, May 22, 2005

3M, innovation, by looking into your bedroom window

What's sad is that after all this time, there's really nothing to say as far as "hey, what you been doing lately, Brian?"

Same old, same old.

But do you know what that same old was?

Nah, you don't care. You don't deserve to care.

I'm sorry, that was far too harsh.

Well, I did manage to use "Count Chocula" as a punchline to joke during a night out with adults and get a laugh. That was worth something. Not much, but something.

And, well, umm...I bought a bike. But I don't know how to ride a bike. Well, not really. I understand it, I can almost not fall off of it, but I have no real skill at it, and don't enjoy it. I've never enjoyed bike riding.

I told everyone "I haven't ridden a bike since I was 9, and I stopped because I realized that hey, why am I riding a bike if I don't enoy riding a bike. And by now I've forgotten how to ride the bike", and they were all "ha ha, very funny. Get a bike, we'll go bike riding, it's fun."

It's like riding a bike, you never forget.

Well, I had to practice in my garage, going back and forth, before I would even go public in the parking lot so I could ride in a straight line without falling. Turning is till out of my league unless it's a slow arc.

And I still don't enjoy it. It just not...enjoyable to me. And I'm not that particular.

Well, yeah, I kind of am. I don't enjoy much, but I just don't bitch about it that often. I just avoid, but avoid in a way that doesn't seem like I'm avoiding. I hope. Most people don't hate me at least. They think I'm laid back.

But anyway, it hasn't stopped raining in Minnesota since last month, so I haven't had to embarass myself much lately with the bike. Not that my wife wanted to go biking much after realizing that truth of "are you sure you want to spend the money on two bikes...I really can't bike", and that it's embarassing to be seen biking with me.

Then I fucking broke my pedometer with my gut. Well, I'm not sure it happened that way, and after 65 pounds lost...

...okay, I just wanted to mention that I've lost a lot of weight again. Because I don't get many chances to, because I tend to cycle through people who see me, due to changing jobs every year and half, so people who knew me then, didn't know me before...and even if, I'm not interesting enough to notice such things about if you're someone else. That and the fact that I never change my pants. No one notices that either. Or do they...God I hope not. Jeans are expensive.

But I don't eat sweets at work when people bring in...sweets. But it's easy to turn down cake and other things along those lines at 10 am, because I'm not quite awake then, and am amazed that some people are enough to shove three huge Sam's Club's cupcakes into them because they're simply there. Two, I could see. Three...pushing it. Those are big cupcakes.

I got Tivo too, but then I realized that for as much television as I seem to watch, I don't really have any shows that I regularly watch, let alone miss. I'm a huge couch potato, but I don't have any shows that I particularly care about, enough to warrant tivo. But my wife does, and she loves it. Well, so do I, because then I can tape many episodes of Smurfs that come on at 6 am. No Snorks on the schedule yet though, sadly.

Oh, and I crave birthday cake ice cream.

Other than that, not much going on really.

Oh well, who cares right? Not even the friendly people at my local State Farm insurance group.


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