Thursday, October 02, 2008

My greatest wish

I was thinking, on the drive home, that a really cool wish to have granted would be that every song you heard was your favourite song. Not like, the same song, but that you reacted to every song like it was your favourite song in the world. It would transform just putting up with radio stations to getting a rush every time a new song started, regardless of the song. I'd rather enjoy each song tremendously rather than have anything like "good taste" in music. Right now I have neither, so life is full of background music that just grates on the nerves, or at best, blends out in nothingness. If I do like a song, I can usually overhear it to apathy in a month or two. Even old favourites are like " could be worse". Now, to super enjoy every song I heard at any time, like some teenage girl who loves every song *insert current pop culture relevant band*'d be better than constant orgasms.

I just wanted to finally type "constant orgasms" on my blog. Now, to go find out where to go with my life from this point forward.


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