Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Sunny days, in the eyes of a little girl's heart

It's finally a nice day in Minnesota, fancy that.

But we have milkweed everywhere. I'm not sure if it's technically called "milkweed", or if any one else calls what I'm calling "milkweed" milkweed. But for lack of a better word, because I don't have one, milkweed is everywhere, it looks like you need to shovel it in the entry way to my building. Not that you could, because it weighs so little it almost has antiweight, thus breaking apart and getting into even more annoying areas when you try to remove it.

Not that I care, because I'm inside, but I might fancy going outside soon. But the milkweed is waiting for me. Waiting, and floating. It wants me to accidently swallow it and go "ugh" and then spit it out, and then get more in my mouth when I look at my finger that fished out the first one with open mouthed annoyance.

The kind of annoyance where you want to say something to the inanimate object, but know it can't respond to your annoyance, so you just look at it with an open mouth.

And then some fluffy stuff floats in.

...maybe I just have a big mouth.


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