Thursday, June 02, 2005

Eat At Brian's

We took my wife's grandmother out for dinner tonight, and my official tour of every old person restaurant in south Minneapolis continues in full glory. Tonight's was an amazing array of generic brown gravy and mash potatoes, along with wonderfully similar to tv dinner fried chicken.

And bread sticks! Because they brought us the wrong food, we get one bread stick.

wiggie's Dictionary describes breadsticks as the following: bread, made in stick form. A food no one craves, but will eat when presented in front of you to keep from having to make conversation for a few precious seconds.

And here's a freeform poem about breadsticks.

Breadsticks, can't get enough of you,
Your bland whiteness,
Is only surpassed,
by your bland whiteness.
Look at you,
Your texture is there,
for all to see,
but no one to comment on.
Look at you,
And your companionship with the butter,
That came in a little foil square.
Look at the butter,
And know,
that people want it more than you.
But feel they must eat you,
to have that butter.


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