Typical Modern Ketchup
From Wikipedia:
"Ketchup (or catsup), also known as , Tomato Sauce, Red Sauce, Tommy Sauce, sweet sweet nectur of life,or Tommy K is a condiment, usually made from tomatoes. The ingredients in a typical modern ketchup are tomato concentrate, spirit vinegar, corn syrup or other sugar, salt, spice and herb extracts (including celery), spice and garlic powder[1]. Allspice, cloves, cinnamon, onion, and other vegetables may be included."
...Tommy Sauce? Seriously? I'm so confused over that, that I will now type out "Seriously?" in several different languages.
Sérieusement ?
Woof (with head slightly tilted)?
...and don't crap on me if in context those words don't mean the same as "Seriously?" means in slang English. Babelfish Greek is good enough Greek for any blog of mine.
...shut up about me looking up "Ketchup" on Wikipedia. I highly doubt you're doing anything better with your time if you're reading this.
Now, if I was to ask you, the reader, if I could have some Tommy Sauce on my hamburger, I would fully expect you to hit me in the face. Then I would make some sort of reference to the movie, "The Hard Way", (which I saw 3 times...in theater!) and you'd just leave in a bored huff. I'm sorry, but that's just my way of keeping it real. My way just happens to be The Hard Way.
Well, I at least laughed at that...well, not really, but I certainly didn't delete it after typing it. I could have, and then went and looked up Muppet Movie glasses on Ebay, but I didn't.
Here are a few translations of "ketchup":
It's the same in EVERY language...except where they call it Tommy Sauce. Or Catsup.