Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Paul Hogan...really? Nah, not really

I have an idea for a cartoon starring gnats. Really, all I have is the name, "Gnatitude"...maybe something with "gnarly", but that only has the "gn"...I guess I really don't have an idea, per se.

I think I overheard this...but not exactly sure...but I think "6-inch sapling" is the worst nickname for someone's penis ever.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Parenting is...

...trying to enjoy a meal when someone walks up to you with poop in their pants every day.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Rocktober is almost over know what that means? It's almost time for Rocktember!

Friday, October 24, 2008

True Story

I haven't toasted a pop tart is 6 years...until this morning!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Your Feel Good Movie of the Year

Here's a movie name/concept I'm shocked hasn't been used yet (I checked internet-based dating romantic comedy called...wait for it..."LOL: Love Out Loud".

That's even better than my prediction that there would eventually be a kids cartoon called "Larry the Cable Baby".

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

c'est l'halloween

It's that time of year again. Time for ghost, goblins, and horror genre tinged erotic webfiction. Am I right folks?

On a completely different topic, I believe if you now look up "Holly Butt Shuffle" on Google, you get the youtube video of my daughter scooting around on her hindquarters. Unless it's just that google knows to give me stuff involving my cute kid if I look things up.

Monday, October 20, 2008

3 random things

Things that happened today:
(1) Overheard co-workers who were confusing John Kerry and Jim Carey
(2) Saw a fucking delorean in the parking lot at the Burnsville library. Seriously, a delorean. It had seen better days.
(3) Observed a large woman shopping in a bathrobe and pajamas (with slippers) on a motorized cart at K-Mart. Decided to shrug and think "oh well, it's just K-Mart".

Saturday, October 18, 2008

If I hear the word "Spooktacular" one more time...

This costume makes me laugh for some reason. I can't imagine letting my child leave the house like this...or at least, I can't imagine them leaving the house without me breaking into scorn filled laughter as soon as the door closed.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Not a spoon full of sugar

...a wad of bread doesn't make the cough syrup medicine go down in the most delightful way. It actually just absorbs the medicine and tastes like a big wad of cough syrup flavoured bread in your mouth. Don't ask how I know this.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

One of those days

Nothing going right today. Topped (so far) with my 'pity me' Burger King order getting filled wrong. What did they give me? A small fries and a small onion rings. Seriously, who orders that? Too tired and weary, and too many cranky babies (1) to bother to take it back and get the right thing.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Movie Ideas Part 8

Here's a great idea for a movie this Halloween: "2 Draculas". It'd be literally twice as terrifying as "Dracula".

Well, maybe not a "great idea", but at least an "idea".

Here's a picture to really hammer home the concept.

There would be a big dance number.

Okay Ladies, the Lord Sayeth to...

...and here's the picture. (thanks to Jody for getting out of her car and taking the shot with her camera phone)

Saturday, October 11, 2008

I need to get a picture of this

Passed a church while driving Holly around to help her fall asleep (and help Jody get some sleep). While I do have a high fever, I'm pretty sure the marquee next to the name of the church simply said "Share your pie".

It's amazing how much snot a little baby nose can make just is.

Friday, October 10, 2008

You win, Big Paper Products

...I'll call it "Bathroom Tissue" from now on. At least until someone hits me for saying it.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Universal solvent

Another week, another baby cold, and another Brian cold. Plus, another chance to see if any of the ingredients in Booberry are the cure for this common cold.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Holy Spam

Just got an email from "Jesus Hatfield". The topic is just "hi". I know it's spam, and probably about penis lengthening...but I just want to click on any email from Jesus Hatfield.

Did we send Bart to Camp Granada?

Spent about 10 minutes while trying to fall asleep replacing "bear" with "pear" in words and phrases in my head. Bolar pear and Pear Stearns almost amused me. Otherwise, not time well spent.

Stupid brain

I'm up at 3:30 am with Holly, because of after one and a half weeks of relative healthiness, she's got a runny nose again and has trouble sleeping. Thanks daycare and drafty window.

The worst part?

I have the "Superbowl Shuffle" stuck in my head. And I'm only half sure I know how the song goes, so it's this little mess in my brain.

How are you doing? That's great.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Seasonally Appropriate Produce

Is there anything more fun than setting up carefully arranged pictures of your child with a large gourd-like squash? Yes, there is? Oh...well, it's a pretty good amount of fun anyway.

Saturday, October 04, 2008



I have "Forecast Fox" added to my Firefox browser, which gives me the power to know what it's like outside while never leaving my computer, which is handy, because...who wants to go out there? Seriously.

Yes, it's a laptop, but I'm still not moving around.

This morning, I get a severe weather alert pop up, with a big red warning sign and everything. I'm used to seeing those if a blizzard or severe thunderstorm is on its way, but it's early October, so even in Minnesota...those things seem unlikely on a Saturday morning.

So, I force myself to look out the window...crap, all my blinds are closed (better to insulate yourself against the outside world) I peek through the blinds...and it's a clear, sunny day.

Well, I finally click on the weather bar on the browser to see what the hell I should be bracing myself for.

Frost alert! Frost alert!

Oh my God, the crops!



Okay, back to looking at hawaiian shirts on ebay.

Thursday, October 02, 2008

My greatest wish

I was thinking, on the drive home, that a really cool wish to have granted would be that every song you heard was your favourite song. Not like, the same song, but that you reacted to every song like it was your favourite song in the world. It would transform just putting up with radio stations to getting a rush every time a new song started, regardless of the song. I'd rather enjoy each song tremendously rather than have anything like "good taste" in music. Right now I have neither, so life is full of background music that just grates on the nerves, or at best, blends out in nothingness. If I do like a song, I can usually overhear it to apathy in a month or two. Even old favourites are like " could be worse". Now, to super enjoy every song I heard at any time, like some teenage girl who loves every song *insert current pop culture relevant band*'d be better than constant orgasms.

I just wanted to finally type "constant orgasms" on my blog. Now, to go find out where to go with my life from this point forward.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

2 Scoops of Marshmallows

Last night, my wife Jody had an information session for job placement at her HR masters program school with General Mills. That's right, the cereal company. They scour the ranks of the masters students at this school because they're a local Minnesotan company. Blah blah blah, sales pitch, sales pitch, sales pitch later, at the end of the session, they give everyone, and I shit you not, a box of Lucky Charms.

...and this box of Lucky Charms has at least 3 times as many marshmallows in it as any box I've ever had from retail, ever.

...not that I've had many boxes from retail, my parents didn't allow me anything but Special K, Shredded Wheat, or Rice Crispies.

...but yeah, they're hiding the good stuff from us, people! The stuff they give to people they're trying to impress is much better, and way fresher.

It'd be almost unfair except that I have a box.