Sunday, November 30, 2008

Wishes ARE fishes

I wish I had even the smallest amount of skill with audio files, so I could just put a clip of the end of "I Believe in Santa Claus", by Dolly Parton and Kenny Rogers on the internet. I believe I was put on this Earth to make more people hear those two yelling at small children as the song fades out.

Maybe I'll check the internet and see if there's anything out there about it. There wasn't a few years ago, back whenever I last blogged about this topic.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Post Thankgiving Thoughts

*blank stare*

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I hate potatoes right now

I just really do.

Monday, November 24, 2008

"Today is like Wednesday!!"

Yeah, I'm happy it's a short holiday week...but it's not like Wednesday are the best day of the week. Wow, it's a mildly less crappy day of the week!

Maybe I'm just in a bad mood after my many light bulb related mishaps this weekend. 'Tis the season.

But there's nothing like a new Flophouse episode to cheer me up. Actually, there are a lot of things that would be better, but it's better than nothing on a "Wednesday". "Lustache" is like a movie I'd be all "That sounds hilarious, I'd go see that for some laughs" every time I saw the poster/DVD box, but never actually bother to watch.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Things I hate #87

I hate my handwriting. More specifically, I hate my handwriting in comparison to other people. Like, when I have to write on a list that someone else has written on (like, a sign up sheet for a luncheon), I see my handwriting and think "wow, everyone else has a more confident, better signature than me", and I get sad. Then I think of delicious casseroles I'll soon be eating, and feel better.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Plot Synopsis of "Curious George" in French

Parti en Afrique à la recherche d'un trésor archéologique destiné au musée pour lequel il travaille, un guide rencontre un petit singe fouineur et intelligent. Il se prend d'affection pour lui et le nomme George(s) en hommage à George Washington. L'animal est bien décidé à le suivre lorsqu'il rentre à New York.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Brian Fact #34

I don't trust cruise control.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

To Do List #1

Repack diaper bag. Baby unpacked it for me.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Oh Ratigan!

The World's Greatest Criminal Mind.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Crush Grooving

Is there anything that isn't supposed to taste like fish, that ends up tasting like fish, that you would like to eat?

Sunday, November 09, 2008



Friday, November 07, 2008

Thank you,

For making sure there's something to watch at 4 am with a screaming baby. Watch...not hear, because, of course, of the screaming.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Something important for once

I know I joke around about this a lot, but seriously, I don't think apples and bananas would get along if they were anthromorphized.

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Usual over-sharing parent stuff

As predicted, by me, here's a photo of Holly in her Halloween costume. Also, me, in my Halloween costume, which was basically what I could pull together from the scraps of Halloweens past at 6 am in the morning.


First Halloween with the baby last night. She was a chicken (her costume, not her attitude, she loved all the scary stuff). People insisted on giving her candy, which meant, I got candy, which is always pleasant. Some pictures will follow at some point, I'm sure, because I'm a first time parent, and we do that sort of thing, though we hardly got any pictures...because it was dark.

Did I mention I hate the phrase "dropping knowledge bombs" when coming out of the mouth of fat middle aged white guys in fantasy football leagues? Because I'm sure I meant to.