Well, I got back from Florida on Thursday, and am now recovered enough to blog about it. And by recovered, I mean, slightly gotten over the mourning of having to go back to real life that sucks, rather than the unreal life that is Orlando and their $1.99 t-shirt shops.
Lowlight - being stuck behind some weird Floridian couple on a fanboat swamp tour, whom seem to get off on going fast. Whenever the boat stopped to look at something like alligators, or whatever, because you know, it's a tour, not a race, they would get all grumpy and look back at the driver and say things like "when are we going fast again?" "Why aren't we going fast?", "I sure wish you'd start going fast again", and "how fast does this thing go?". And then, when it did go fast, her loose clothing would go flying everywhere (which wasn't a pretty sight), and the guy would get a greasy smile on his greasy face, and they'd take a thousand pictures of each other.
Highlight - doing the whole Disney thing for free and getting discounts on things like chicken McNuggets at Animal Kingdom, and other things that you shouldnt' even bother to get discounts on, but taking advantage anyway. As a general rule, I don't know anyone who has an "in" with anything, unlike Jeff, who knows someone who knows someone, who knows someone, who is going to make a national comic strip. But, my cousin who I grew up with, married a guy who works for ESPN, which is owned by ABC, which is owned by Disney. Thus, he's slightly, technically, a cast member. So we get to do Disney stuff for free.
Annoying Moment - shut up, you stupid New Yorker. I get it, you're from New York. You don't have to tell me every five minutes. Plus, I don't care that you're going skeet shooting in a Minnie Mouse hat.
Weird Moment - Trying to awkwardly put our fingers into the Disney biometric reader thingy. If touching feels funny, it's hard to know what to do.
Annoying Moment #2 - Shut up, you stupid Calgarian 18 year old. I get it, you're going to drink the last Corona beer when you get home from Disney. Thank you for loudly proclaiming that 16 times on the bus. We should all get up and congratulate you that you now consider yourself cool enough to drink when you're on vacation with your older sister and your parents are back home. We were all duly impressed with the fact that you now drink beer, and thus are not an uncool little kid.
Stupid Idea - Never get stuck with a two door car from the rental place if your backseat passengers are two 65 year olds with bad knees. You'll lose a combined 50 minutes off your vacation. Unfortunetely, one of those two 65 year olds didn't realize this when she picked it out because it seemed to have a big trunk.
Oh, and fruit snacks don't have to be kept in the fridge, though anyone over 60 seems to think EVERYTHING has to be kept in the fridge, including granola bars.
Best thing - Chocolate mousse in France at Epcot. Best. Chocolate. Dessert. Ever.
Otherwise, a really good vacation, if short. It's just easier to bitch on the internet than talk about how much you enjoy things. Unless you're 15 and in love.